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How to ensure that the liquid can flow and store smoothly when the liquid receiver is in operation?

When the liquid receiver is in operation, ensuring that the liquid can flow and store smoothly mainly depends on its design and functional characteristics. The following is a specific description:
Liquid reception and gas-liquid separation: The liquid receiver is an effective receiver that receives and separates a mixture of liquid refrigerant and gaseous refrigerant. When the refrigerant absorbs heat in the evaporator, it will become a gas-liquid mixture and return to the liquid receiver. The liquid receiver uses its internal structural design, such as a specific separation baffle or an inclined bottom, so that the liquid refrigerant can naturally settle to the bottom of the receiver, while the gaseous refrigerant will rise and flow to the compressor due to its lower density. This separation process ensures that the liquid refrigerant does not flow directly into the compressor, thereby avoiding the occurrence of liquid hammer. Liquid hammer is caused by the liquid refrigerant directly entering the compressor, resulting in huge impact force and pressure fluctuations inside the compressor, which may damage the internal components of the compressor and seriously affect the normal operation of the system.
High-quality rotary valve: The rotary valve can be installed with a 360-degree rotation. Regardless of the installation environment, the direction of the rotary valve can be easily adjusted to meet the needs of system connection. This design greatly increases the flexibility and convenience of installation and reduces the difficulty and cost of installation. In addition to the convenience of installation, the high quality of the rotary valve is also reflected in its sealing and durability. High-quality materials and precise processing technology ensure that the rotary valve can maintain good sealing performance in long-term use and prevent liquid leakage. At the same time, the rotary valve also has high durability and can withstand the pressure and vibration generated during the operation of the system to ensure the stable operation of the system.
Preventing liquid hammer: The liquid receiver effectively prevents liquid refrigerant from flowing into the compressor by capturing and storing liquid refrigerant. When the liquid refrigerant accumulates to a certain amount in the liquid receiver, it can be discharged through a specific discharge device or control system to ensure that the compressor always operates in a normal gaseous refrigerant state. This design not only protects the compressor from damage by liquid hammer, but also improves the overall operating efficiency of the system. Because the compressor has a higher energy efficiency ratio when handling gaseous refrigerant, the entry of liquid refrigerant into the compressor will cause its operating efficiency to decrease and may even cause failure.
Storage capacity: The liquid receiver usually has a certain capacity to meet the liquid storage needs of the refrigeration system under different working conditions. This capacity can be selected and adjusted according to the specific needs and design of the system. For example, in a large refrigeration system, a larger liquid receiver may be required to store more liquid refrigerant; while in a small system, a liquid receiver with a smaller capacity can be selected to reduce costs and floor space.
Monitoring and control: In practical applications, liquid receivers are usually equipped with sensors and control systems to monitor liquid level, temperature and other parameters. These sensors can sense the state inside the liquid receiver in real time and transmit the data to the control system for analysis and judgment. The control system can achieve precise control of liquid flow and storage based on the data from the sensor. For example, when the liquid level is too high, the control system can automatically start the discharge device to discharge the excess liquid; when the temperature is abnormal, the control system can issue an alarm or automatically take corresponding emergency measures. This monitoring and control function ensures the efficient operation and safety of the system.
In summary, the liquid receiver ensures the smooth flow and storage of liquid in the refrigeration system through its unique design and functional characteristics, providing an important guarantee for the stable operation of the system.