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Common types and characteristics of refrigeration compressors

1. Parallel line refrigeration compressor
Parallel line refrigeration compressors are designed to use the basic principles of electromagnetic induction and vibration analysis to drive, and then raise the air pressure to complete the work. At the same time, a parallel line refrigeration compressor is also called an inductive refrigeration compressor, fluctuation refrigeration compressor, or random piston refrigeration compressor.
Parallel line refrigeration compressors do not use crank linkage gear system software, so their internal structure is greatly simplified. In addition, the parallel line refrigeration compressor piston rod drive is continuously aligned with the orientation of its said fitness movement, thus the piston rod is not subject to lateral force effects. At other levels, the parallel line refrigeration compressor runs with less friction, resulting in a significant reduction in the kinetic energy consumption of its mechanical structure;
2. Piston rod refrigeration compressor
The piston mechanism refrigeration compressor works according to the cylinder, the valve, and in the cylinder for repeated movement of the piston rod caused by the work of the capacity to constantly change. The characteristics of the piston rod refrigeration compressor depend on the wide range of available working pressures. This type of equipment operates on the principle of capacity change in operation so that it is possible to achieve high pressures regardless of the size of the total flow, which is why piston rod refrigeration compressors are so popular. The piston rod refrigeration compressor itself has a very strong adaptability to the substance and the displacement, can be used in a large range of displacement, and the displacement by the discharge pipe working pressure change is less harmful. In addition, when the relative density of the material changes, the capacity of the refrigeration compressor displacement and exhaust pipe working pressure of the change is also small.
3. Screw compressor
Screw compressor operation with the help of toothed fitness movement of a negative motor rotor and a positive motor rotor, and depends on the enclosure around the pair of motor rotors around the inner side wall of the area of the housing to achieve.
The specific advantages of the screw compressor depends on: 1, more reliable, less relative parts, no very easy to damage the components, so it runs reliably, the service life is longer than other types of refrigeration compressor, technical professional screw compressor server head design programme service life is generally up to 30 years; 2, the actual operation of the maintenance is convenient, high level of automation technology, do not have to the professional technician Carry out long-term learning and training, may be able to complete unmanned operation; 3, the driving force coordination is good, there is no unbalance moment of inertia, and thus the screw compressor can be stable and fast work to complete the basic operation; 4, adaptability is strong, with mandatory characteristics of the gas collection station, the capacity of the total flow of basically impossible to be subjected to the exhaust pipe pressure of the hazards of the work, in the wide working conditions of the region can still maintain a Higher efficiency. Without modifications to the refrigeration compressor structure, screw compressors are highly adaptable and can be integrated into office environments.
There are many different types of refrigeration compressors. In addition to the three types listed above, which are commonly used on the market, there are also turbocharged refrigeration compressors, water ring refrigeration compressors, axial refrigeration compressors, and the list goes on and on. The principle of each type of refrigeration compressor is different, all have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when purchasing a technically specialized air conditioning compressor, it is important to have a good grasp of your natural environment before choosing a refrigeration compressor that matches your natural environment. In addition, you also need to have a "discerning eye", in many of the hot-selling refrigeration compressors, and sieve out the quality of solids, so that it can be reasonable to avoid accidents.