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Principle of piston refrigeration compressor and refrigeration process

The piston refrigeration compressor process is mature, highly efficient, wide range of temperatures, is suitable for a variety of refrigerants, and is widely used in large and medium-sized cold storage refrigeration models.

The working principle of the piston compressor
  When the crankshaft of the piston compressor rotates, through the drive of the connecting rod, the piston will do reciprocating motion, by the inner wall of the cylinder, the cylinder head, and the top surface of the piston are composed of the working volume will be a cyclical change. Piston compressor piston from the cylinder head at the beginning of the movement, the working volume of the cylinder gradually increases, at this time, the gas that is along the inlet pipe, is pushed open the inlet valve and into the cylinder, until the working volume ** until, the inlet valve is closed; piston compressor piston reverse movement, the working volume in the cylinder is reduced, the gas pressure rises, when the pressure in the cylinder to reach and slightly higher than the discharge pressure, the exhaust valve Open, the gas out of the cylinder, until the piston movement to the limit position until the exhaust valve closed. When the piston of the piston compressor again reverses movement, the above process is repeated. In short, the crankshaft of the piston compressor rotates for a week, the piston reciprocates once, and the cylinder achieves the inlet, compression, and exhaust process, that is, to complete a working cycle.
Second, the piston compressor refrigeration process
  The refrigeration process is in the ammonia compressor, cooler, control valve, evaporator, and other components of the cycle of a closed system, ammonia is through the control valve to reduce the pressure into the evaporator, absorbing the heat of the cooled medium and evaporation, so that the medium temperature is reduced to achieve the purpose of refrigeration; evaporation of ammonia by the compressor suction, compressed and discharged into the cooler to cool the ammonia condensed ammonia, and then, through the regulator valve and then into the evaporator! Evaporation, and so the cycle to achieve the purpose of refrigeration.