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Some ways to save energy with semi-hermetic refrigeration compressors

Semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor is a kind of industrial equipment that is very common in today's society. It is very common in social life. The effective use of semi-hermetic refrigeration compressors can greatly increase manufacturing profits and manufacturing interests for sellers. It is a very suitable industrial equipment. This time, let’s talk about some methods of environmental protection and energy saving of semi-hermetic refrigeration compressors.
1. Environmental protection and energy-saving standards for refrigeration units: increase the evaporation temperature and reduce the condenser temperature. Taking into account the safety of equipment and manufacturing requirements, the evaporation temperature should be increased and the condenser temperature should be reduced as much as possible. Therefore, the fiberglass cooling tower has been upgraded to ensure the efficiency of cooling circulating water.
2. Avoid and reduce pipeline fouling to enhance the heat exchange efficiency of the cooler and condenser. If the sewage treatment is not done well, the calcium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate produced when calcium carbonate and magnesium bicarbonate are heated will settle in the pipeline. It reduces the heat transfer performance, affects the heat exchange efficiency of the cooler and condenser, and sharply increases the water and electricity bills for the operation of the equipment. At this time, in addition to using sewage treatment technology, regular automatic pipeline cleaning equipment can also be used to clear the pipelines.
3. Adjust the effective operating load of refrigeration equipment
Under the condition of ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the facility, the functional loss of the enterprise's cooling capacity is smaller when the refrigeration server operates at 70%-80% load than when it operates at 100 load. The operation of the centrifugal water pump and fiberglass cooling tower must be comprehensively considered when starting up using this method.
Semi-hermetic refrigeration compressors are very commonly used in the current era. Many fields are choosing to apply semi-hermetic refrigeration compressors. The semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor can also work according to the above method during the installation process, which can more quickly ensure the energy-saving and environmental protection effect of the semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor.